We hope you enjoy our Vietnam Veteran's photo gallery it's made-up entirely from submissions
by members and visitors. If you have a picture you would like to submit, send it with caption information to
GW President. [ Click on a thumbnail image for close-up view. Navigate through the pages using the text links at the bottom of each page. ]
Pictures submitted by: John
Army boats on the Upper
Saigon(Army guys thought that they had real fighting crafts) |
Swift Boats at the Benawah (They
were behind us when we went into Cambodia) |
Cambodia Inc (More pictures at the
Benawah) |
Phu Cuong Shower & Ammo Bunker
(It took me a while to get use to the Vietamese women sharing the shower with me.
They would just come while I was taking a shower.) |
River ( We used this river to get
to the Mekong when we left the Upper Saigon) |
Swain (Hunter threw Swain in the
River for being a short timer, Sullivan is taking Pics) |
Upper Saigon (What a desolate
place to get supplies) |
Yum (Now I know why all the kids
liked me, candy. Yum probably survived the take over) |
Anapolis (Looking out of Anapolis
Hotel in Saigon, what a first impression of Vietnam) |
Andrade & Phillips ( working
on the twin gray marine diesels) |
Benawah (That what it looked like
before we into Cambodia) |
Cambodia Moui ( I know that they
had to kill him, he was too brave) |
Maynard ( Sam Fielders, Kris
Maynard,Wagner, Remmer, Kris Maynard was the engineman on Wagner's Boat that
went into Cambodia with us but left early. Since we were the last boat back, I
sure that we were unauthorized by the President's order. We went much farther
that 17 miles into Cambodia) |
Moui would not take any bullshit
from the villagers. He was a Patroit. |
Pete's Apple (Terry Peters threw
this apple and hit Remmer in the head in the coxswain's flat, we were all
deadly shots) |
Phillips Remmer (Remmer is in the
Coxswain's Flat) |
Rung Sat (Do you remember this old
sunken french ship in the rung sat) |
Saigon Harbor |
Thomas Winkless |
Wagner & Yum |
Yum |