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Hold me mate, please hold me, I'm
not sure what's going on. I know that I've been hit mate, but the pain
is almost gone.
Can't see the sun shining thru the
trees but it's the middle of the day. The light seems to come and go
mate, and then it fades away.
Can't hear the wind blowing thru the
bush, or feel it on my face. I could hear the wind a while ago and
it cooled this stinking place.
Can't feel you hanging onto me,
don't leave me all alone. Tell me everything's okay mate and soon
I'll be going home.
Remember back at the base mate,
when the sergeant used to shout? He spoke no more, but I knew what
he meant, Lights out Lights out Lights out
©Copyright 2001 by Ned
Falconer |